2011年11月9日 星期三

Three Types of People To Watch Out For

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As I've mentioned in previous articles, your time is precious, and to spend it with a contemptuous and cynical individual is ill advised. Now I'm going to outline three philosophies that have only harmed humanity and if you're familiar with someone who seems to share a similar ideology as the one described, then you might want to reconsider that relationship...

Hedonists - Hedonism was the dominate philosophy in Ancient Rome, and arguably lead it to its demise. In hedonism, pleasure reigns supreme. These types of people seek out superficial pleasures without giving much thought to the negative effects their actions could potentially cause. The creed of hedonism is "If it feels good, do it!"... This philosophy has been known to produce gluttonous and lustful individuals who consequently have very little determination. Although these people may seem "fun and amusing" at first, you'll soon realize that they won't do you any favors in the long run.

Individualists - An individualist, when faced with a pressing decision will initially think "what can I get out of this?" Individualism is essentially a selfish philosophy that puts the main concern on "you and only you". Individualism severs the community as a whole; these types of people will harm the community in order to advance themselves. This philosophy is a bit less evident but just as dangerous as the others. It may take you awhile to spot an individualist out but once you do you can either keep your distance or attempt to alter his or her philosophy. Individualists mindset can be changed however, individualism has proven to be the easiest dogma to alter. A simple wakeup call and some words of wisdom should do the trick.

Minimalists - Minimalism is the rival of greatness and the founder of mediocrity. This philosophy is pretty self-explanatory, "What is the least I can do?" The minimalists want to reap all the rewards while giving none of the effort. "How can I put forth no effort, but still accomplish everything I want to?" If you spend too much time with these types of people you'll subconsciously inherit their slothful nature. One thing I have come to realize is that working hard is extremely contagious chose to spend your time with hardworking individuals and the first change you'll notice is your work ethic. Unfortunately this theory works both ways, spend too much time with a lethargic person and you'll be at risk for developing a similar work ethic.

Austin Hatem
Be Different...Be Bold...Change the World...

