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If you are anything like me, chances are you have made a resolution at some point in your life to make a change but put it off into the future. I've told myself, "next week I'll start going to the gym" or "I will organize my office later." To my disappointment "Monday" and "later" come and go.
Truth be said, future goals are great because they are well intended. An intention is the focused power that precedes the action needed to create change. However, the illusion of a future date to start the change may be a mistake. Doing so, places resolution and the potential for change in the future. "I'll stop smoking next year." "I will go on a diet starting next week." Unconsciously I assume that placing progress in a future date is easier than placing progress and change in the moment. As long as I don't deal with it now, I'm not dealing with it.
Change is now, not tomorrow or next year. There IS no future, there is always only NOW. Who you are in this very moment dictates how the next moment will unfold. When you experience the future, you do so in the moment of NOW. More often than not, we place change in the future and choose to tackle it at a later time because we are afraid of what it will take to address it right now. We have convinced ourselves that changing now requires some level of "sacrifice." What will be different tomorrow? Next week? Or next month?
The past is just as unreal as the future. Living in it will similarly delay change you may desire. Dwelling on past patterns keeps you living in the past and will discourage you from taking action. All negative past patterns, are just that, "past" patterns, and should be left there. As you are here reading these lines right now, you can decide and be who ever you want to be. Enable your WILL to make choices and decisions that are in alignment with your target.
Make the change now by declaring the change in the present. Start with affirmations like, "I eat healthy and lose weight" "I am smoke free!" "I decide what I want in each moment". Continue to put in motion a flow of energy and conviction that aligns your efforts toward your desired target.
Choose one thing that you can do right now and that will pull you closer to what you want to create. Write it down and go do it...NOW!